Located in Melbourne, we offer a genuinely friendly Satellite Phone rental service with a no-fuss attitude. All four of our satellite phone models operate on the Iridium network and are available at Australia’s lowest satellite phone rental rates. Satellite phones are essential for anybody leaving areas of mobile phone coverage and are frequently used by hikers, bushwalkers, 4WDers, campers, schools and businesses who need to be able to make contact no matter where they go.
Satellite Phone Rental

You can collect your satellite phone from our office in Melbourne and one of our friendly staff will happily demonstrate how to operate your phone. Alternatively, we can deliver your satellite phone rental overnight to anywhere in Melbourne. Sydney, Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth, Darwin, Alice Springs, Canberra and many other towns in Australia via Australia Post’s Express Post Service or via a same-day courier service for metropolitan Melbourne for a low cost.
Our satellite phone rental rates start low and get lower the longer you hire the phone. We are confident that we offer Australia’s lowest rates for Iridium satellite phones operating on the Iridium Network – so confident, in fact, that if you can provide a genuine lower quote on the same model we’ll beat it by 10%. By default out satellite phones come ready-to-go with a post-paid SIM card, however we can provide you with a prepaid SIM card if you prefer.
All of our rental satellite phones operate on the Iridium Global Satellite Network. The Iridium Network is a satellite-based, wireless communications network designed to permit voice and data transmission to and from anywhere on earth, at any time. If you work, live or travel in areas outside cellular coverage or in areas with inadequate landline service, Iridium provides an immediate solution. Iridium’s global service provides coverage across all ocean areas, air routes, and all landmasses – including the Poles. The Iridium Satellite System is the only provider of truly global, truly mobile satellite voice and data solutions with complete coverage of Earth.
Through a constellation of 66 active low-earth orbiting (LEO) satellites operated by Boeing, Iridium delivers essential communications services to and from areas where terrestrial communications are not available and currently provides services to the United States Department of Defence.
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To discuss our satellite phone rental options or your individual requirements please call us on (03) 9898 5988.